Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers is aware that the legal profession has only one reason to exist: to find a solution and assist you with your specific case. The law firm has therefore defined the values and culture underlying the services it provides.

After all, this is the only way to remain focused. You are also given the opportunity to hold the firm to account. Your success is our goal. Success by daring to look further.

Your success is our goal. Success by daring to look further.


As a client you are entitled to a clear analysis and an unequivocal assessment of your position. You deserve to be advised and guided “openly”. This means that the services are provided in a relevant way, that they are direct and that there is no distance between you as a client and the law firm. You are given transparent information as to its legal position and equally transparent as to the terms and conditions of the services.

Challenging conventions

You seek understanding and insight into your situation. Based on your individual case. Since no two cases are the same, you need a specific approach, based on the idiosyncrasies of your case. It is not possible to generalise further, and generalisations, which are too often applied in the law and in tax matters in particular, can be transcended. Challenge conventions.


You are looking for the solution to your problem. This is the foundation of everything we do: our pragmatic approach. You are not looking for a theoretical approach. Rather for efficiency that can also be clearly implemented in practice. You prefer simplicity over complexity. And expect your service providers to see clearly the path leading to the solution. You prefer a settlement to the, by definition, uncertain outcome of a dispute. But if this is not possible, you won’t shy away from it either.


Drawing from a broad and in-depth knowledge of the law, our team analyses your case astutely, creatively and critically. Focused on the solution, while avoiding to re-examine the problems. Every case deserves an astute approach supported by a proper risk assessment.

Latest articles

The lawyers of Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers ensure that you stay up-to-date on current tax topics by publishing articles on our own expertise platform.

Jan Tuerlinckx

Column J. Tuerlinckx in Trends: Basket in Tax Law. (30/05/2024)

You are an entrepreneur. Not that you have something to hide, but you can’t help feel uneasy whenever you are subject to a tax audit. On the other hand, you know all too well that ‘being compliant’ and the corresponding verification of such compliance is an inevitable part of doing business. And when Big Brother – what a modern government has become – carries out an audit, it is simply inconvenient. That must be accepted.
Jan Tuerlinckx

Column J. Tuerlinckx in Trends : Fiscal pacification (02/04/2024)

25 years ago almost to the day, the ‘new’ tax dispute resolution legislation was enacted with the acts of 15 and 27 March 1999. It was a major reform. It put a definitive end to the jurisdictional function of the objection stage.
Jan Tuerlinckx

Columnn J. Tuerlinckx in Trends: Getting withholding tax from company managers: an ongoing battle (29/2/2024)

We need to talk about withholding tax. As natural persons, we all pay taxes on our professional income. The personal income tax is settled for each calendar year. You declare your income in the middle of the calendar year following the one in which you received that income
Jan Tuerlinckx

Column J. Tuerlinckx in Trens: The superlative form of legistic negationism (08/02/2024)

Didactics dictates that before discussing a superlative form, the basic form should first be explained. The best thing, therefore, is to start with the concept of ‘legistic negationism’, which is not included in the Oxford dictionary. ‘Negationism’, which is included, stands for the denial or extreme minimisation of generally accepted historical events. In Dutch, the term ‘formal legistics’ is synonymous with ‘legislative technique’.